瑞士富巴公司 (Huba Control AG) - 压力测量技术专家
瑞士富巴公司(Huba Control AG)专业于压力和流量测量领域。其产品包括电子式和机械式压力开关、压力传感器芯片,压力传感器和流量传感器。 压力测量范围从1mbar到1000bar。
Huba Control 富巴专注于压力测量技术。是开发和生产压力和流量测量的专业公司。 Huba Control瑞士富巴的产品包括压力开关,压力传感器芯片,压力传感器和流量传感器。 集中精力于压力测量专业技术,使得Huba Control 富巴有能力开发多种富有创意的新产品。它们被广泛用于楼宇系统智能管理,锅炉,白色家电, 液压和气动和工业自动化。
原则上,Huba Control 富巴向所有压力测量技术敞开大门,如果这些技术具有创新性和发展潜力,并能带来可观的经济利润。十五年来,Huba Control 富巴持续投资于一项非常具有这种潜力的技术:厚膜陶瓷测量芯片技术。这项技术由Huba Control 富巴在Würenlos的工厂开发并广泛的应用。Huba Control 富巴在Würenlos的非常现代化的厚膜陶瓷芯片的生产车间已经投入使用。
Huba Control 富巴 生产制造部门的职责是装配,调试和校正压力传感器和压力开关。每道工序的生产都被优化到最佳状态。驾驭复杂的自动化生产线的能力和经验是Huba Control 富巴取得成功的关键因素。
Huba Control 富巴的陶瓷悬臂梁技术
Huba Control 富巴独特的隔膜技术与悬臂梁陶瓷传感器的有效结合,使我们生产出的压力传感器在微弱压力范围内具有极优秀的长期稳定性。这已经被使用在各行各业中的几百万个压力传感器得到了证明。
Huba Control 富巴的压力测量芯片技术
Huba Control 富巴自己开发和生产的压力传感器芯片与优质的电子设计相结合,从而能够生产出富有创意的压力传感器。Huba Control 富巴 具有 20 多年的使用陶瓷技术的经验,产品已在数百万个应用中得到了有效证明。
Huba Control 富巴努力与客户创造和保持良好的合作伙伴关系,提供满足市场需求和成本合理的完整解决方案。同时,Huba Control 富巴压力开关、测量芯片和压力传感器在保护自然资源和降低污染方面也做出了重要贡献。
根据产品用途的不同,Huba Control 富巴压力传感器,压力开关和流量传感器的目标市场可分为:工业自动化, 燃气锅炉(GAS)、暖通空调(HVAC)以及白色家电(洗衣机和洗碗机)。 Huba Control 富巴是燃气锅炉和暖通空调领域的市场领导者。Huba Control 富巴 97%的产品用于出口。在德国、法国、英国、荷兰、中国和新加坡,Huba Control 富巴至少拥有49 名专业代理商和销售工程师,从而不断提高了Huba Control 富巴的市场占有率。 Huba Control 富巴的生产部门主要承担组装和调校压力开关,压力传感器和流量传感器。全自动、半自动、部分自动化生产线可以满足不同数量的生产的合理安排。Huba Control 富巴的主要优势在于驾驭复杂的自动化生产的能力,包括单件和大批量生产的自动校正和制造。
为确保公司的长期成功,Huba Control 富巴对其核心能力作如下的定义:
- 对压力测量技术进行坚持不懈的持续研究
- 精通包括自动调校在内的各种复杂自动化工序
- 有能力单件生产和大批量生产
- 每个工序的质量由该工序的生产人员负责。
Huba Control 富巴质量体系的指导性原则:
- 持续自我提高,力求零出错。 瑞士富巴要求全体员工成为:
- 交货准时的供应商
- 工作一丝不苟的员工
- 公平合理的客户 Huba Control 富巴质量管理系统(ISO 9001; IATF 16949) 确保产品按照规范的步骤和程序进行生产。
Huba Control - Specialist in pressure measuring technique
Huba Control develops, manufactures and markets components designed exclusively for the measurement of pressure and flow. The components of Huba's pressure measurement technology include both pressure switches (on/off switching elements), sensors and pressure transmitters (sensors with built-in amplifier electronics). With its clear focus on pressure measurement technology Huba Control is able to develop innovative products across a very broad spectrum, covering an extensive range of applications for the optimisation of machine, system and plant processes.
In principle, Huba is open to all technologies for the measurement of pressure and flow as a physical quantity, provided these show innovatory potential and offer the company opportunities to lead the way in value for money. For some fifteen years Huba has invested in a technology with opportunities: thick-film ceramic measuring cells, developed and manufactured in our Würenlos factory.
In this context Huba Control pay special attention to fostering our ability to work in partnership with our customers to achieve cost-efficient complete solutions in line with the needs of the market. At the same time, Huba pressure switches, sensors and transmitters make an important contribution to the preservation of our natural energy resources and the reduction of pollution.
Markets and presence
The target market for Huba pressure and flow measurement technology is divided into several sectors based upon application as special pressure sensors for Industrial automation (INDUSTRY) or components for gas boilers (GAS), heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and white goods (WASHING MACHINES). Huba Control is the market leader in the GAS BOILER and HVAC sectors. 97% of our products are exported. Over 49 specialist agents and own sales engineers in Germany, France, United Kingdom and the Netherlands allow us to expand our market presence continually. Huba's production department is designed for the assembly, balancing and adjustment of pressure switches and pressure transmitters. The individual stages of the process are carried out with varying degrees of rationalisation (fully, semi and partially automated manufacture) depending on the quantities involved. A key strength is our mastery of complex automated routines, including automatic calibration, manufacture of one-off products and large-scale production runs, and the maintenance of short throughput times.
Core capabilities
To assure the success of the company, Huba has defined its core capabilities:
- Always local to the customer in the OEM business
- Ongoing research into technologies suitable for pressure measurement
- Mastery of complex automated processes including automatic calibration
- Manufacture of one-off products and large-scale production
- Individual responsibility for quality at every workstation
The quality policy of Huba Control with the guiding principle «I steadily improve and aspire to make no mistakes» and the requirement of a punctual supplier, a careful worker and a fair customer makes great demands upon the whole team. The Huba quality management system (ISO 9001; IATF 16949) ensures that products are manufactured in accordance with clearly defined procedures and processes.
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